I have never used CBD before but I take Tylenol or Aleve twice a day for neck and back pain

"So how many mg for pain should I start with?"

This is a tricky question as there isn’t much literature on specific mg doses. A physician from New York, Dr. Sulak, mentions the following in an interview w/ projectcbd.org: “Most people are surprised to learn that the therapeutic effects of cannabis can be achieved at dosages lower than those required to produce euphoria or impairment,” In other words, use only as much product as you need to get symptom relief and not aim for intoxication/ euphoria levels. The website CBDoilReview.org recommends starting off at 25mg of their oil twice daily and adjust dosage accordingly. Take into account factors such as other medications that are being taken (i.e. opiates like hydrocodone, benzodiazepines like Xanax, anticonvulsants like gabapentin) as the risk of fall & accident increases when using these other medications. I hope this helps.


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