I have a surgery scheduled this Thursday and pain pills make me really sick.

"How do I go about getting some medical marijuana?"

It depends on where you live. If you live in California or New York you can see a healthcare professional, from HelloMD for example, to obtain a cannabis recommendation using video conferencing. If you don’t live in those states you will need to visit a healthcare professional at their office. You need this first to be able to purchase cannabis at any dispensary.
As to what kind of cannabis to purchase can also depend on the type of surgery. Smoking flower or vaping can sometimes cause coughing, somehting that you might want to avoid. Tinctures may be the best way to go. Tinctures can be in a 1:1 ratio that can combine a mild psychoactive effect and anti-inflammatory as well. It is always best to go low doseage when starting and to slowly increase the amount that you use to obtain the desired effect.

Perry Solomon, MD

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