I am looking for cannabis that does NOT give you the munchies. Any suggestions?

You can also look for cartridges derived from certain high CBD strains such as ACDC.

Though difficult to find, you can search for cartridges derived from high THCV strains such as Durban Poison, Pineapple Purps, Willie Nelson and Doug’s Varin. Here is more info on THCV, the "skinny cannabinoid."


Thanks for the great question. The main culprit for the munchies is THC; so, using strains and/or products with lower concentrations of THC would be a simple way to help avoid the munchies:

  • a list of some of the most popular high CBD strains: https://www.hellomd.dev/health-wellness/57f2b7f12b1e99000a671ac3/top-10-high-cbd-marijuana-strains-for-anxiety
  • products with a very high CBD to THC ratio, such as the 18:1 products found at https://www.cbd.org/
  • vaporizer cartridges derived from certain high CBD strains, such as ACDC. https://www.abx.org/vape-strains

Consuming strains and/or products high in THCV should also help. THCV is a cannabinoid that actually reduces hunger. Here is a link to help you choose the right high THCV strain: https://hightimes.com/grow/highest-thcv-strains/ There is also a product with concentrated THCV: https://www.levelblends.com/product/stimulate/. However, keep in mind that THCV is psychoactive and mentally stimulating.

Here is more info on THCV, the "skinny cannabinoid."


THCv has been shown to supress ones appetite.

This article may interest you: https://www.hellomd.dev/health-wellness/5a8db389f24d1300077ccb5a/psychoactive-thcv-the-cannabinoid-that-kills-your-appetite


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