I am currently on 125mg of sertraline and 25mg of respiridone daily. Can I vape cbd oil?

Studies show that CBD is an inhibitor of CYP2D6 and CYP2D6 metabolizes many antidepressants, so CBD may increase serum concentrations of sertraline and risperdone. However, these studies were done on people receiving very high doses of CBD such as 50 mg/kg/day. For example, for a 120 pound person that’s over 2,700 milligrams of CBD daily. Cannabis is a generally well-tolerated and serious adverse effects are rare. There are no major reported interactions or contra-indications for the use of medical marijuana and SSRI’s or anitpsychotics.

Epilepsia. 2017 Sep;58(9):1586-1592. doi: 10.1111/epi.13852. Epub 2017 Aug 6.
Interactions between cannabidiol and commonly used antiepileptic drugs.
Gaston TE1, Bebin EM1,2, Cutter GR3, Liu Y3, Szaflarski JP1; UAB CBD Program.


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