I am currently a Florida resident, medical marijuana has just become legal here do you know or guide me in rite direction to obtain a subscription for medical Mj


Hi there!

There are a few steps you must take before you can obtain a medical marijuana card in Florida.

First, you will need to obtain medical documents confirming you have a qualifying condition. You will also need a signed physicians statement confirming that you are eligible for medical cannabis. Please make sure this signature comes from a doctor you have met with for a minimum of three months.

Once you have obtained your medical documents and signed statement, you will need to provide this information to your medical marijuana doctor for your consultation. If you are approved, the physician will submit your application to the Compassionate Care Registry.

From there, you will need to go online and complete the application process. There is a $75 application fee. Once submitted, it can take upwards of two months for the Florida Department of Health to review your applications.

Please check out this article below for more information on obtaining your medical card in Florida.

I hope this information helps! ๐Ÿ™‚


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