I am am looking for a doctor for my PTSD, BiPolar Disorder. I also have DDD and suffer with arthritis and Nervous Stomach and High Blood Pressure. Will cannabis help me?

"I am 53 and I have been diagnosed with PTSD BiPolarDisorder and I have DDD and suffer with arthritis and Nervous Stomach and High Blood Pressure. I have been or Standard medicines sense I was 19 years old medicine stop have any effects on me in my 30s I have suffered because I refused to take the medicine because I knew it was harmful to my organs.. I have faith that medical marijuana is my last hope!! please help me get the card and the medicine that I need to have a somewhat normal life Pain free as much as can be anyways! "

If you are in California – you can connect with a doctor right here on our website. Just click ‘Talk to a Doctor’ top right – and follow the instructions to get connected.

If you are outside of California, we will soon be a launching a national directory of local doctors that can help you.


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    What is Kief?

    “’Kief’ is one of those words I’ve heard in connection to weed, but I’m not sure what it means. Is it something to do with hash?”

    Anton C.

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