How much should I eat?

"I’ve never tried this product before, how much should I eat at first?

Each batch of edibles can vary widely, so always start with a quarter of a dose and wait 3 hours for full effect before titrating the dose up. Following this recommendation can keep you from vomiting in the bathroom for up to 3 days due to toxic doses.


We always recommend starting with a dose of 5MG of THC, waiting two hours for the full effects, and then increasing your dose if needed. Our Terra Bites line are each 5MG, so they are a great way for new or low tolerance patients to try KIVA for the first time.

Let us know how it goes!


It also depends if you tend to know your tolerance. A good starting point if you are unfamiliar with edibles and your THC tolerance is 2.5 milligrams, for most people is similar to having a beer. For most people 5mg will create some cerebral effect and 10mg will leave most people feeling stoned, for better or worse.

The doctor’s answer is right as edibles can take an hour or more to be felt and the effects last longer than smoking so always proceed with caution. Edibles also can be more intense depending on your size, weight and metabolism.

Most people I know can tolerate 10mg or more, but for me, I am happy at 5mg. Your tolerance is your own and how you process THC and feel the effects is highly individual. I really like products like the Terra Bites that are low dose as it helps people figure out what is right with a single dosage. I eat one before bed and it is perfect for me.

I am not a doctor and this represents my opinion only. I hope this helps!


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