How much do Treatibles cost? Are discounts possible?

"I am a senior citizen with an older dog and cannot afford local prices."

I have used Treatibles for a year and they are highly effective for anxiety and pain in dogs. I can not answer as to whether Treatibles offers discounts, but i can say that i found there was a significant reduction in the amount I paid for western meds for my dog after the Treatibles were used.

Here is a link to cost on their site:

I also recommend you watch some of the videos where the Founder of treatibles discusses a variety of topics regarding the use and efficacy:

I hope this helps! I am a big fan of this product as it helped my older dog in the last stages of his life live a fuller, happier life.


We do offer senior citizen discounts, please call our customer service department at 415-579-2230. We will need to verify your age and receive a picture of your ID. Thank you!


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