How much CBD should I take for rheumatoid arthritis?

"I am 66 years old and 250 pounds."

I would recommend a whole plant cannabis extract with CBD, THC and all of the other components. Start with 10 milligrams of CBD per day and titrate up as needed. There is no danger in taking high doses of cannabis, especially if it has high levels of CBD.


I agree with Dr. Vanderveer; a whole plant extract is good because it has not only CBD & THC but any of the 50+ other useful cannabinoids that will help with pain. Any luck with topical med cannabis products to rub on the most inflamed joints? In my other practice I recommend Arnica gel for it’s healing & pain management properties. If you haven’t already, you may want to ask your MD for a rheumatology referral; RA is no joke and is an autoimmune disease that can attack your brain, kidneys, heart, and other major organ systems (remember there is a difference between rheumatoid & osteo-arthritis, a fair amount of my patients don’t know this difference) . If an immunomodulator is recommended by an MD, I say take it and use med cannabis to help you with any potential side effects (which are less common nowadays). Even if you are over 6’4" &/or used to play football, 250 lbs sounds a bit much for your joints at the age of 66 (I have some PT background) If you’re ok with it, I’d also start on a omega-3 regimen daily 3000mg assuming your other MD’s are ok with it as well. I hope these tips help!


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