"It looks different than other vape pens I’ve seen on the market."
The hmbldt dose pen was custom designed to deliver our need state formulations in a specific and repeatable way. Constructed using medical grade components and a specially designed microprocessor, a patient using the dose pen simply inhales from the end of the dose pen containing the window and the vaporization process is activated. After three seconds, a slight vibration indicates that the dose is complete. By carefully limiting the time of vaporization, controlling the temperature ramp of the vaporization coil, metering the airflow from inhalation and maintaining a consistent flow of our need state formulated oil to the vaporization element the device is able to deliver a repeatable dose to the patient on each activation. After 200 complete doses, the dose pen can then be recycled at one of our dispensary or delivery service partners to receive a $5 discount on their next hmbldt dose pen purchase.