How do you make wax or crumble with CBD oil

You would have needed to deep vacuum purge the CBD oil a few times at low temperatures in your final stage of processing to achieve a wax or crumble consistency. Whether or not your oil will turn to a waxy or crumbley consistency is also dependent on the strain that has been extracted. If you already have the oil, then you will not want to process it again as you will not be able to effectively change the consistency without possibly damaging your product or at the very least making it more oily.

If you would like I can describe what you need to do with a butane extraction to yield a honeycomb, though I do not recommend or even condone doing this unless you are in a lab setting and have the advice of a chemist or chemical engineer to make sure the process is done safely. I don’t know how they do this with CO2 extractions yet.


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