How do you make cannabis suppositories and/or topical creams from medical oil concentrate?

"I’d love to hear your experiences with making your own marijuana preparations."

I have used this recipe before:
Using cannabis oil suppositories with the same dosage amounts as oral ingestion is another way that cannabis oil can be taken to treat cancer. Some people believe suppositories may get cannabis oil into your bloodstream better than orally taking the oil. To make a batch of cannabis oil suppositories you would want to start with 100 grams of cocoa butter for every 1-2 grams of cannabis oil. (YOU CAN CLICK HERE TO GET COCOA BUTTER) First you will need to melt your cocoa butter. This can be easily done by putting the cocoa butter in a stainless container and use a gentle heating device like a candle warmer to melt it. Next add your cannabis oil to the melted cocoa butter while on the heating device. Stir the melted cocoa butter/cannabis oil mixture together so that the oil is evenly mixed throughout. Next you pour the warm mixture into suppository molds that can be purchased online. Let them cool at room temperature. You want to start with 1-2 grams of cannabis oil per 100 grams of cocoa butter. This is a good starting point so the suppositories are not too strong. You can then increase the cannabis oil according to how much the patient needs or can tolerate. You will work towards being able to take as much oil per suppository as you would take orally. Cannabis oil suppositories can be used when the cancer is in the lower part of the body like the bowel, prostate or anus. Getting the oil as close to the cancer as possible is a great idea.


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