How do you get a medical marijuana card in Pennsylvania?

As of May 2016 Act 16 which is your Medical Marijuana Act went into effect. That said the regulations have not been finalized. It seems there will be a limitation for prescribing doctors as they will need to go through a training course before they can give a recommendation. The article I read indicated this may be avilable in the late fall of this yeat. It will be a 3 part process:

  1. Find and see a doctor who is able to give a recommendation
  2. Register with the state (how long does this take? It differs state by state)
  3. Once registered you will receive documentation and can go to a state-permitted dispensary

I always find the the Norml site as they stay up to date on all the laws state by state. Their site with Pennsylvania’s laws are here:


Unfortunately, they do not state anything regarding recommendations.

I hope this helps!


The good news is that Pennsylvania passed a medical marijuana law in 2016; the bad news is that it has not yet taken effect.

You will need to obtain a medical recommendation from a physician that confirms you have one of these qualifying conditions:
-Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS; also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease)
-Crohn’s disease
-Huntington’s disease
-Inflammatory bowel disease
-Intractable seizures
-Intractable spasticity
-Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
-Parkinson’s disease
-Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
-Sickle cell anemia
-Severe chronic or intractable pain
-Terminal illness (defined as 12 months or fewer to live)

Patients will be able to have a 30 day supply of medical marijuana, but it may only take the form of cannabis-infused oils, topical ointments, tinctures or liquids. Home cultivation of cannabis will not be permitted. Currently, as many as 50 state-licensed dispensaries may operate, however not are open at this time. Pennsylvania will have reciprocity with other states, meaning that if you legally obtained a medical marijuana recommendation in another state, they will recognize that in PA.


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