How do you get a medical marijuana card in Hawaii?

Hawaii’s medical marijuana program was signed into law in 2000. The qualifying conditions to obtain a medical marijuana card are:
-Chronic pain
-Crohn’s disease
-Persistent muscle spasms
-Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Qualified patients may possess up to four ounces of usable marijuana. Usable marijuana does not include seeds, stalks, and roots of the cannabis plant. At the time of writing, state-licensed dispensaries are not yet operational. Home cultivation is allowed, with patients able to possess a maximum of seven plants, whether mature or not.


We do offer medical recommendations for Hawaii however you would have to be in CA for the video part to process you through one of our physicians.


Hi there! HelloMD only provides medical marijuana recommendations for California and New York states. Here is a step-by-step guide from the State of Hawaii’s Department of Health on how to obtain a Hawaii medical marijuana card.


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