How do I know which kind of cannabis to buy?

"I’m new to the New York medical marijuana program and I’m not sure what to purchase."

The approved cannabis products and routes of administration in New York State are:

(1) Liquid or oil preparations for metered oromucosal or sublingual administration or administration per tube

(2) Metered liquid or oil preparations for vaporization

(3) Capsules for oral administration.

Note: Smoking as a method of administration of medical cannabis is expressly prohibited by New York Stateโ€™s Compassionate Care Act, and edible products containing cannabis are not an approved form of medical cannabis in New York State.


My advise would be to first , do your own research so you can somewhat understand what is available. Next, there should be someone at the facility that is very knowledgeable. Last, ask questions a take notes. If at first you don’t succeed, then try, try again.


Your certifying practitioner must include the authorized brand and dosage form (or forms) you are allowed to purchase. It is recommended you discuss your preferred mode of administration with your practitioner at the time of your certification.


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