How do I get medical marijuana delivered in New York City?

”I am a frequent user of cannabis and have found during the pandemic that home-delivery is safe and easy. Can I get cannabis delivered to my home in New York?”

Matthew P.


New York City has always embraced delivery, whether it’s pizza or Chinese takeout; everyone loves enjoying life’s delicacies from the comfort of their own home. These days you can get quite literally anything delivered to your front door within a few minutes of placing an order. Especially with the pandemic, everyone has settled into the idea of home deliveries.

So, it should come as no shock that qualified medical marijuana patients in New York will now be able to count medical marijuana as yet another item they can have delivered right to their door. These days, consumers want convenience, and these delivery services aim to please. Read more on how to find the best delivery service and dispensary here

In some cases, getting to a dispensary can be challenging. Whether it’s the New York City traffic, the weather, or maybe you just don’t want to leave your house on any given day, these delivery services have got you covered. Dispensaries such as PharmaCann/Verilife, who now offer delivery, can now more than ever accommodate the needs of all their patients. This article highlights some of Verilife’s best products.

Patients can call and talk to a pharmacist, schedule their delivery, and then a courier brings the patient’s items wherever they need to go. You can customize the time and place you want your cannabis to be dropped off; some delivery services also have cashless interactions. While patients shouldn’t initially expect their medicine to be delivered in the same amount of time it takes to request an Uber…plans, expect the program to adopt and scale quickly.

If you are partial to a particular dispensary in New York that doesn’t offer delivery services, picking up medical cannabis on your own can be just as easy. Budtenders behind the counter and pharmacists can help you customize your purchase to your specific needs. Workers at the dispensaries can answer any questions you have about medical or recreational cannabis. Simply ask your questions, make your purchase, and be on your way!

Polly S.

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