How do I get CBD Oil Products?

"I need Professor Snook’s AC/DC 20:1 Ratio (Orange flavor) also a Vape Pen with CBD Oil Cartridge. CBD Cannabid Caps. I can have just a teensy THC but the products need to be primarily CBD based."

The simplest way to get CBD oil products is to do an Internet search and then choose from of the many locations close to you (Dispensaries, Collectives, etc). Make things even easier, try a delivery service near you for your CBD oil product needs and you don’t have to leave your home.

If the CBD oil products come from the Cannabis plant, then you will have to have a valid California Medical Marijuana Recommendation first before you will be allowed to purchase the CBD products.

If the CBD oil products come from the Hemp plant, then you do not need a Medical Marijuana Recommendation and can buy them directly from any online company.


We have a variety of CBD products available, including tinctures and liposomes which won "Best Tasting Tincture" for it’s "citrus twist" flavor. You can order from our website 24/7 website and have it shipped directly to your door (of 50 states + Puerto Rico, Europe and Japan). If you’re interested in taking a look, here’s the link: https://elixinol.com/product/category/liposomes/

You might also try Respira to refill your vape pen, it comes in two flavors: natural and grapemint and it can also be used orally or topically: https://elixinol.com/product/category/cbd-vape-oil/

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.


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