How do I get a Cannabis Card

Go to HelloMd and you will get instructions. A Doctor will come on and ask you some questions. I received my card and paperwork within 2 weeks.


Use helloMD! It was easy to do, fast, and the doctor I facetimed with was understanding and easy to talk to. It was inexpensive, easy, and much less awkward than going to my regular physician to talk to.


You begin by creating a login through our HIPPA compliant website and filling in your info and medical history. Once you have filled in your information and have paid our consultation fee, you will be asked to download a video application that will link you to our waiting room. Here you will be greeted by myself or one of my associates to make sure that audio/video is working and to answer any questions you may have. If you receive a recommendation from the doctor, you will receive an email right away containing a secure link to digital form of you rec. Then, in 3-5 business days you will receive a hard copy of your recommendation.

Please feel free to speak with us on the "chat with us" button on our website if you have any questions!


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