How do I download the HelloMD iPhone app?

"Can I use this on my iPad too?"

Go to the App Store icon on your iPhone and search for "HelloMD". Although it is a free download, you will need to enter your iTunes password and have a credit card associated with your iTunes account to complete this step. If you are on an iPad, you will go to the App Store icon and filter the apps for those for iPhones (it will work on an iPad, but it is classified as an iPhone app by the App Store); again, you will need to enter your iTunes password and have a credit card associated with your iTunes account. Once the HelloMD app is downloaded onto your device, please register (if you do not already have a HelloMD account) or login with your existing HelloMD credentials. From there, if you need to meet with a doctor, tap ‘medical’ to proceed through registration, or ‘dispensaries’ if you want to see dispensaries/delivery services in your area. Remember to enable location services for the app, and allow the app to access your microphone and camera to be able to take advantage of all the features of the app.


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