Hi – I have dosing questions re. Care By Design 18:1 sublingual spray

"I recently started using Care by Design 18:1 sublingual spray for bad headache and neck/upper back pain due to pinched nerves in my neck. Can you please advise as to how many sprays I can take and how often? I took 2 sprays this morning at 7 and 2 around 11am — but the headache has persisted. I’d like to find the ideal dosage. Thanks for your help. "

Cannabis is a very safe herb with no potential for overdose or toxic side effects. Use as much as you need to achieve relief. Sublingual tinctures and sprays are most effective when the liquid is absorbed in the mouth by the mucous membranes, which will then deliver the medicinal compounds directly to the bloodstream. Before you use the spray, remove excess saliva from your oral cavity. Effects are usually apparent within about 30 minutes with the peak affects at about an hour and often lasting several hours.


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