hello, i have Aspergers, i have anxiety, ocd, ptsd, insomnia, depression and also panick when i worry

"Yeah what I am really nervous about, because alot of high thc strains do help especially pure sativas, but what ive been scared by prohibitionists is that somehow im going to go insane from my cannabis, I have no fam history of psychotic disorders at least 5 generations back and I don’t act paranoid stoned or not stoned, when im stoned I don’t really care about other unnecessary stuff tbh, and if i feel uneasy at the time for a reason i may panick and worry, Any help? my therapist sais im fine and I don’t have any delusions etc but he knows nothing about cannabis, please tell me im not mad :/ im extremely nervous and just want my herb in peace, i may have not worded this properly as i am a little anxious about this topic but I really am looking for an awnser which isnt take some cbd, because i have taken cbd but thc allows me to function creatively and have fun and be confident and energetic, hope you can help because i feel awfully nervous ๐Ÿ™‚ I also hate the way the prohibitionists say well its all going fine now but soon youll have psychotic episodes then youll be stuck insane like that forever"

CBD alone has been very effective for your symptoms. In fact many people are reporting complete resolution of PTSD because CBD has specific pathways to block the amygdala reconsolidation while enhancing the ability to extinguish bad memories. CBD also restores the endocannabinoid system balance by inhibiting FAAH enzyme that breaks down
our anandamide and 2-AG. In addition CBD normalizes the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis modulating adrenaline and cortisol. About 60mg of CBD may be needed.


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