Does Durban Poison really suppress appetite?

"I am looking for a strain that does not give me the munchies, as I have a weight problem already."

I feel most sativa strains make me munch harder than say a 60/40 or 70/30 hybrid. Talk to your bud tender they usually will tell you spot on.


Durban Poison does contain a high % of THCv as compaired to other strains. Durban Posion flowers are in the 1% range of THCv. Concentrates tend to have more THCv, at about 2% percent, and I would recommend trying sativa strains such as Red Congolese and Power Plant inorder to suppress appetite.

"Patients use THCV for a variety of reasons, but one of THCV’s most remarkable properties is its ability to suppress appetite. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is well known for its munchie-inducing effects, THCV has the opposite effect—when consuming THCV, patients are left without much appetite at all. This has made THCV a popular choice among patients looking to lose weight or avoid gaining weight from binge eating after they medicate with marijuana."

The above quote was taken from this article about THCv: https://www.hellomd.dev/health-wellness/5a8db389f24d1300077ccb5a/psychoactive-thcv-the-cannabinoid-that-kills-your-appetite


To add to what Bart says, the amount of THCV in Durban Poison may not be enough to suppress appetite, not when the typical range of THC–which kicks appetite into high gear–in this particular strain can start at 13% but climb to 25%. Steep Hill Labs makes mention of a THCV-forward strain called Doug’s Varin which has a ratio of 6:7 THC:THCV, though it may be hard to find. As well, Steep Hill mentions Pineapple Purps, which has a ratio of 3:1–or 12% THC and 4% THCV. Not sure how much THCV you’ll need to help suppress appetite. It will take some experimenting to figure out what works best for your unique biochemistry as well as endocannabinoid system. It may be that Durban Poison’s THCV content is enough to suppress appetite. You won’t know until you test it out. Also, I do encourage you to read the article Bart links to, which talks of THCV’s potent psychoactivity, which can be tempered when used in combination with THC. Hope this helps!


Adding to what @lyp commented, I would agree (at least for me anyways) that the THCv in Durban Poison doesn’t seem to be enough to suppress appetite. Actually, Durban Poison is one the strains that seems to give me the most intense munchies! Munchies aside, there’s an interesting article here that suggests that cannabis may actually help with weight loss… "When cannabis is ingested, the THC contained in cannabis stimulates the body to produce a hormone known as ghrelin. While it’s quite unknown to the general public, ghrelin is famous among researchers who study metabolism for its ability to stimulate appetite. In addition to making us hungry, however, ghrelin also helps our bodies metabolize the food we eat more efficiently. With that in mind, it’s clear that, while THC may increase our appetites, it also stimulates the metabolism to perform as well as possible.” You can check it out here: https://www.hellomd.dev/health-wellness/56cb9d8ececb1b000b000073/the-munchies-will-make-you-fat-right-think-again


A more realistic goal might be finding a variety of cannabis with relatively little effect on appetite, rather than one that suppresses appetite. I believe you’ll find lots of anecdotal reports of how various strains affect appetite and still be left scratching your head. Bart’s idea of finding a strain relatively high in THCv is a good way to subjectively explore the issue of whether specific strains could suppress appetite, or at least not stimulate appetite. But I’m not sure how easily you can determine a strain’s THCv content when you’re shopping. Most cannabis is sold by strain name (not by “chemovar”) with just overall THC and CBD percentages. The same problem applies to knowing the terpene content of a specific strain of cannabis. Also, Melissa makes the excellent point that appetite stimulation and weight gain are not the same thing. It makes sense to be concerned that eating pints of Ben and Jerry’s after smoking cannabis could lead to a gain in weight, but the reality is that body weight is the cumulative expression of countless factors and behaviors taking place over a long period of time. If one eats more but is sufficiently active the net result could even be weight loss rather than weight gain. In the future there may well be cannabinoid-based drugs to suppress appetite, but I’d remember that, so far, essentially ALL drugs created for weight loss have turned out to have other, far less helpful actions that wound up severely limiting their usefulness.


There are already some great answers here on Durban Poison, THCV and appetite suppression. I’ll second Melissa and add that Durban Poison, at least for me, doesn’t suppress appetite. Like Bart mentions, it could be that there’s not enough THCV in the strain.

From personal experience, I can confirm that a strain with enough in THCV can suppress appetite, though I’m not sure how much THCV there needs to be. I was lucky enough to be given a sample of a high THCV concentrate and it definitely suppressed my appetite—no munchies at all.

Rather than finding a strain that suppresses appetite, I suggest finding a way to manage the munchies. Cannabis makes eating most food an enjoyable experience—this includes healthy snacks like dried fruits, nuts and yogurt. When I’m consuming, I tend to keep these types snacks around. If I can’t suppress my appetite, I can at least harness it to get some healthy foods in my body.

I also suggest eating a high fiber meal with fruit and veggies before you consume. These foods make you full and in general, are a good way of suppressing appetite. Another tip from my personal arsenal is to drink lots of water when consuming. I often switch to tea, the flavor and temperature occupy my brain and redirect the desire to munch on something.

Munchies don’t always lead to weight gain and in some cases, cannabis may even help you lose weight:

Danielle Lim

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