Does cannabis affects fertility of men and women?

The topic of cannabinoids and their effect on fertility in men and women is still a topic of some controversy. When a Pubmed review was published looking at the effects of cannabinoids on the Hypothalamic- Pituitary- Ovarian axis as well as the link to the ECS (Endo-Cannabinoid system), there was evidence that could "potentially" that cannabis could negatively effect this system but more human experimetation needed to be done. A Journal of Urology review looking at cannabis looking at many different article reviews in Pubmed concluded that " Current research suggests that cannabis MAY negatively impact male fertility. [but] Further studies are needed to validate that robust findings in animal models will carry over into human experience." Complicating these two literature review studies is a large scale trial at Boston University in the report Marijuana Use and Fecundability in a North American Preconception Cohort Study issued by researchers at Boston University’s School of Public Health has reported that marijuana use – by either men or women – does not lower a couple’s chances of getting pregnant. The sense I get is that cannabis has the POTENTIAL to decrease fertility in men & women but that more human research is needed to prove/ disprove this point.


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