Do CBDs cause thinning of the blood?

"I had to get a colonoscopy, and my doctor said to stop taking blood thinners before the procedure. He sent a list of blood thinners including ibuprofen, aspirin, etc. But CBDs were not on the list, and I read somewhere that CBDs are blood thinners, so I stopped taking them. When I asked my doctor if CBDs were blood thinners, he said, I have no idea, ask the dispensary people. When I asked the dispensary people, they said, I don’t know, ask your doctor. Hmmm. Seems like there is a hole where cannabis knowledge should be. Can you tell me the potency of CBD blood thinner properties in edibles? Would they make a difference before an operation? How many CBDs can you take a day? Do they thin your blood vessels?"

Hi there!
Unless you’re taking high amounts of CBD per day with a blood thinner, such as Warfarin, you should be ok. Two pre-clinical trials evaluated the effects CBD, THC and CBN had on blood clotting. Researches found that, THC and CBN significantly hindered the clotting response, while CBD had little effect.
I hope this helps!


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