CBD Tinctures for allergies?

"I had great benefit from a particular CBD tincture in reducing allergy symptoms and arthritis pain. I can’t find any dispensary that carries it anymore and it seems like every other tincture is less effective. (The one that was most effective was by CBD Genetics)"

It’s unfortunate when a favorite product is no longer carried or seems to disappear. This is more common since the new CA regulations passed, smaller businesses have had to close down due to larger cost structures and difficulties in running business since Jan 1, 2018.

Three CBD tinctures that I like is Treatwell’s 20:1 as well as their 8:1 ratio. I like the taste, it doesn’t make me tired and it keeps my migraines at bay. Another popular tincture is the Care by Design 18:1 which many consumers enjoy. Lastly, and perhaps more difficult to find is a brand called The Farmaceuticals, and many people rave about their different ratios. I will use this before bed, as i find it makes me a little sleepy.

I also have included a tincture recipe below, which you could do with a high CBD strain, just in case you feel like getting creative.

I hope this helps!


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