CBD Oil Interactions with Effexor and Trittico

“Can I take take CBD oil with Effexor and Trittico? Should I change the hours?
CBD oil 5% (500 mg of pure CBD)
Venlafaxine (Effexor) 150 mg prolonged release – I take 1 pill in the morning
Trazodone 75 mg prolonged release – I take 1 pill in the evening”

Before attempting an answer, could you clarify whether you are taking 500mg of CBD per day? It sounds highly unlikely though. However, because trazadone, venlafaxine (Effexor) and CBD compete for some of the same enzymes of metabolism in the P450 pathway, doses as high as 500mg of CBD/day would likely cause elevated serum concentrations of trazadone and venlafaxine. Although, more typical doses of CBD would likely have negligible impact on serum concentrations of trazadone and venlafaxine.


Hello fenol,
At that dosage, there is no need for concern; CBD has no known toxicity. At much higher doses, CBD may affect how certain drugs are metabolised and may also hamper the body’s ability to form blood clots. However, these effects would likely require extremely high doses of CBD.


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