CBD Oil in North Carolina

"I’ve had migraines for many years, and they’ve gotten progressively worse. They are now interfering with my work and personal life. My husband and children are surprised when I don’t have a headache. I either take a ton of Ibuprofen or Zomig (a really expensive triptan), but they don’t always work. I’m pretty sure my kidneys are going to fail me one day. I’ve read about CBD oil and how it can help, but I live in NC and there is no information about it here. I don’t want the THC, and I don’t need it to feel high. I just want to feel normal and live without pain. Can anyone give me information on where I can get CBD and the best way to take it? I’ll travel if I have to. Thanks so much for any help."

CBD Oil was just classified (WRONGFULLY) as a schedule 1 drug by the DEA. Legally speaking, you aren’t going to have a lot of options for CBD Oil in your state. You may be able to locate medicines that are based on something called CBD isolate, which is a crystalized form of CBD derived from only the stalks and roots of the industrial hemp plants, rather than the potent buds of CBD rich cannabis strains… it is not made from medicinal grade cannabis at all (rather, industrial grade), and I do not consider it very effective at all. They’ve stripped everything that’s medicinally beneficial from the plant, and the heavy processing needed, renders it pretty ineffective, in my honest opinion. If you want to risk it, I know there are PLENTY of sellers on eBay selling CBD products. You can always try there.


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