CanPatients with Auto immune problems benefit from Organically grown Cannabis?@flowkana

I am not a doctor but I would say that this question can have several answers. First, I think that anyone who smokes flower should try to consume the purest, best quality cannabis possible. This is not always the case, which is why people seek out growers like Flow Kana or Bloom Farms in CA. They work with farmers that deliver high grade, pesticide free, largely ‘organic’ (technically not allowed to say that with cannabis) flower.

When we talk to labs across the state they tell us consistently that they find pesticides and really nasty chemicals, some that are even neuro toxins within the flowers they test. Add to that funghi and molds, you could be inhaling a lot of nasty stuff.

So, yes, as a person with a compromised immune system it is always best to choose a high quality bud from reputable farmers and dispensaries. There should be adequate lab testing available too.

The other question about auto immune, I will point you to some articles we have posted so you can see what people and research have to say.

Can Cannabis Help Autoimmune Disease Sufferers?

I am not a doctor, this represents my opinion based on my experience and research. I hope this helps!


I need to know the best CBD to use for my chronic back and neck pain. Herniated discs in cervical C1-C7 and spinal stenosis, sciatica, herniated/bulging discs L3-S1 and an auto fusion. I don’t want surgery at this time, I am a 63 year old woman with limited mobility. THC accentuates my pain! I am on a Fentanyl 100 mcg patch and want off the opioids!! I would prefer CBD in highest strength, either in capsules, tincture, or edibles. Does anyone have any positive suggestions? I am in CA.


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