Can you vape Rick Simspon (RSO) oil?

"I am currently taking RSO/CBD Oil for cancer. My stomach does not work and it goes through constant draining; I’m being fed via TPN. Would I get better absorption into the bloodstream of the RSO/CBD oil if I vaped it?"

Here is an answer we dug up in the vaults! To sum up, it sounds like it is possible but you need the right vaporizer or need to make the RSO less "sticky"

Can you vape RSO (Rick Simpson Oil)?

The same blood concentration of the RSO can be obtained regardless of the method of intake. Inhalation through the rich pulmonary vasculature will provide quicker absorption than edible/ PO route but it is possible to reach the necessary blood concentration either way. Another option for you might be sublingual tincture administration. I hope this helps!


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