Can you tell us the history of how you came to make this product?

"Also, where you became so knowledgable about THC and CBD. Really great article you wrote on pain. It was very informative. Thanks!"

Sure! We are happy to share our story…

A loved one was in a major accident some years back and we watched them suffer, in a lot of pain, and on a lot of pharmaceuticals. They started to try different topicals to help with the spinal and body pain, but they weren’t up to par. They either smelled very strong or were hard and sticky, or even greasy.

We went to work formulating a product that was a pleasure to put on while also being extremely effective. After many iterations, we arrived at what is now Sweet ReLeaf.

As for your other question- we have been studying cannabis science and working with the plant and patients for many years now. There is a wealth of information out there, which can be hard to synthesize for patients who want answers. That’s why we are so passionate about passing on the knowledge. So you can pass it on to your loved ones!

You can read more about us and our company at: https://getsweetreleaf.com/our-story/


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