Can you explain what the endocannabinoid system is and why it matters?

This is a great question!

The endocannabinoid was discovered in the mid-1990s by Israeli researcher Dr. Ralph Mechoulam who also identified THC as the main active ingredient in cannabis in the early 1960s.

Dr. Mechoulam’s research discovered two main receptors, cannabinoid 1 (CB1) and cannabinoid 2 (CB2), that are keyed to both the endocannabinoids that our body naturally produces and phytocannabinoids (plant-based) like THC and CBD. Our bodies actually produce the endocannabinoids similar to how our body produces narcotic-like endorphins, which is pretty darn cool.

The fact that there is a system in our body that produces cannabinoids, and is specifically designed to accept just them, should be overwhelming proof of cannabis’ worth as a medicine. From the pain-killing effects of THC to the anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties of CBD, we have just scratched the surface of this amazing plant!


The endocannabinoid (or EC) system is the reason cannabis medications work so efficiently. Present in all humans and many animals as well, this system consists of a series of receptors in the body that are configured only to accept cannabinoids, especially tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Watch Andrea’s video response for a full description of what the EC system is and how it works.


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