Can these help with seizures?

"My 4 year old beagle had two seizures in January. He was prescribed phenobarbital and hasn’t had any since. We’re weaning him off that drug now because it can cause liver damage. I’m hoping these biscuits help prevent seizures in the future."

So sorry to hear about your beagle! We have had many customers use our chews for pups with seizures. Some have even told us they’ve weened their pets off of pharmaceuticals because the CBD treatments were enough.

We highly recommend discussing any adjustment in your pet’s treatment with your vet as they’d know best.

If you’d like to see our testimonials, please email us at info@treatibles.com and our customer service team will send them right over.

Best of luck to you and your pet!


This study indicates that CBD has anti-convulsant properties and can be helpful with seizure conditions:



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