Can it help with erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction can be due to a number of factors, and generally a distinction is made between physiological (low T, low BP, arteriosclerosis) and psychological (hang-ups, fears, expectations) . Cannabis is a safe herb that works for countless conditions, and I would give it a try. It just may give you the boner you (and potentially your lover) desire.


I would suggest that you talk to your doctor first. I do know that cannabis is good for circulation and high blood pressure, which could be factors with ED.


Although from what I understand there is no cannabis that can solve ED, it can for some people reduce anxiety, which may help. That said, an initial study by The Journal of Sexual Medicine found that cannabis can contribute to ED. How someone responds to marijuana is highly individual though.

Here is a brief article put out in SF Gate:



The first thing you need to determine is the cause of the erectile issues in the first place. Your age, medical history, other medications that you may be taking, etc., all come into play into making the proper diagnosis. For example, if your are 20-40 years old, have no medical history, take no medication, exercise the issue maybe all psychological/performance anxiety related. If you’re 65, have high blood pressure, take medication, have diabetes, etc. the cause maybe more physiological than mental. In that case, seeing a physician maybe the first step.

Cannabis by itself does not "cure" erectile issues. What it can do in some cases is enable someone to relax and focus on their partner to help to enhance the sexual moment that they are in. This by itself, if the issue is mental, may be enough to help with the issue. Another way to not "field test" cannabis without pressure is to perhaps use it when you are alone and then see is you are able to maintain an erection by masturbation. If this is successful then trying it with your partner may be the next step. Again, as with all cannabis use, the amount you consume to feel any effect varies tremendously so start with a low does and go slow to increase the effect you are looking for. With this issue vaping may be the best way to consume cannabis since the effects can be felt rapidly.

Perry Solomon, MD

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