Can I use a California medical card in Nevada?

"How do Nevada’s reciprocity laws work for people that hold California medical marijuana cards? What are the requirements?"

Nevada is one of the few states that has ‘reciprocity laws’ meaning that you can indeed use an out of state card, legally in NV. Dispensaries there may ask you to show ID of the local that your card originated from. For example, its its a CA recommendation, they may want you to show some type of CA ID. Others may be more lenient and allow even Nevada residents with out of state cards, to purchase.

In all dealings with dispensaries, we recommend you call ahead and find out what type of documentation they will accept before you go the expense of attaining an out of state card (assuming you reside in NV).

If you do choose to get a recommendation from a CA doctor, you can use our service with your NV ID. You just need to drive over the border into CA before doing the consult with the doctor. We are unable to perform Telehealth consultations across state lines as this is against the law.

Hope this helps.


Nevada does offer reciprocation with California recommendations, however to be sure I would call the dispensaries you plan on visiting and see what they want from you. This is the best way to know for certain about your specific area.

If you were considering HelloMD for your cannabis recommendation… first of all GREAT CHOICE =D !!… But also please note that you will have to be physically located in California at the time of your consultation.


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