Can I get my medical cannabis delivered to me if I am unable to go to the dispensary?

"I am in New York state "

Yes, there are two ways you may obtain medical cannabis if you are unable to visit a dispensary in person:

The first way is to have a registered caregiver obtain your medication from a registered dispensary. Patients are permitted to name two caregivers to obtain medical cannabis on their behalf.

To find out more about the caregiver program in New York State visit https://www.health.ny.gov/regulations/medical_marijuana/patients/

The second way is to contact your dispensary and find out if they have a home delivery program. Many of the dispensaries have home delivery programs. Each dispensary owner has requirements to qualify for home delivery, so it is recommended you visit the individual dispensary websites and call a dispensary to obtain more information.

To find a list of dispensaries visit


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