Can I flavor my tincture with vanilla, peppermint or lemon extract?

Vanilla, peppermint, and lemon are awesome plants with many wonderul properties. You might see some interesting effects by utilizing them along with cannabis. Give it a try!


Hey there! I actually don’t know if it’ll induce some kind of reaction or not, I suggest you use products that especially made for such purpose like CBD terpenes.

Terpenes are responsible to add flavour and smell to products like CBD oil and edibles.

I wanted flavoured fruity flavour in my CBD oil so I mixed it with blueberry OG terp of heartland holistics and it was seriously delicious.

So I advise you to not mix anything in it without considering a doctor or use the product which was meant to be mixed with your tincture.


Actually, I agreed with both Andrew and Sebastian.

Agreeing with Andrew with this point that you should definitely give a try to mix whatever flavor you like. But you have to make sure that all the flavors you are adding are made from natural ingredients and don’t have any artificial flavors or colors.

And now agreeing with Sebastian that what if you fail? I mean you don’t get the proper taste or you accidentally ruin your tincture.
There are a number of online stores where you can buy CBD infused products from such as Medix CBD. You should definitely give a try that too.


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