Can CBD oil help with an enlarged prostate?

Hello! An enlarged prostate can be caused from a variety of reasons, and one of the more common ones is from a condition called Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH). Unfortunately there isn’t much scientific research exploring the link between the use of cannabis or CBD and BPH. Making some lifestyle changes can improve your symptoms. These include: regular trips to the restroom to empty the bladder, double voiding meaning emptying the bladder twice in a few minutes time, avoiding beverages close to bedtime, not holding in urine when you feel the urge to go, staying active, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding alcohol and caffeine, eating a healthy diet, increasing lycopene intake, and considering a saw palmetto supplement. Best of luck!


Hello my name is Thomas Karol , my husband was suffering from liver cancer, and the doctor’s told me that there is nothing they could do to save my beloved husband life. Then a friend told me about hemp oil , i told her that my husband liver cancer was in the last stage that i donโ€™t think the hemp oil will be able to help, and she persuaded me to try, for the love of my husband, i decided to give it a try. I did some research and i found a doctor who helped me with the cannabis oil to cure my husband liver cancer and he assured me that after 3 months the liver cancer will be gone, and For the past one year my husband is perfectly okay and he is free from cancer, if you know any one who is suffering from cancer you can save his/her life by contacting Dr. Brown Nelson via his email : (brownnelson07@aol.com) it worked exactly as the doctor prescribed. Thanks to Dr. Brown Nelson for taking away sorrow in my life. God will bless Dr. Brown Nelson for helping me with cannabis oil and for his support and care, i will keep on help you to fight cancer in the World, all i have to say is THANK YOU LORD.


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