"My brother had a heavy cannabis habit for 20 years. Four months ago he had massive seizure then they found a large tumour on the front right lobe of his brain. The tumor was completely removed, and he did 6weeks of chemo and radiation; doctors want him to do more, but he is unsure. The tumour was grade 3 but my brother is 35, a surfer, and otherwise healthy. I have found him some high THC oil, but post-surgery he now suffers from anxiety so doesn’t really want to get high. Is there a way to take high doses of CBD without getting stoned? Thanks for reading, desperate times xxxx"
Hello, According to a research article by Nephi Stella 2010 , "CBD inhibits the migration of both astrocytomas and microglia, so treating individuals with this compound could reduce the infiltration of astrocytomas into healthy brain parenchyma, and also reduce the recruitment of microglia toward the tumor mass… An additional advantage of CBD is that it directly kills astrocytomas when applied at high concentrations. The studies suggest that injection of high concentrations of CBD could constitute a useful regimen for neurosurgeons to use in the treatment of malignant astrocytomas and of excessive/chronic neuroinflammation. Such a treatment could provide therapeutic effects both directly, by killing the astrocytoma and limiting its propagation, and indirectly, by reducing the accumulation of activated microglia or invading peripheral immune cells."
In sum: The above research article suggests that ingested CBD may manage neuroinflammation and direct injection of CBD into the brain tumor by a neurosurgeon may eradicate the malignancy. However, you brother has already undergone excision of the tumor, radiation, chemo and is perhaps interested in supplementation and prevention of recurrence with CBD. CBD is known to prevent tumor growth and is non-psychoactive, meaning CBD alone will not produce a "high".
Stella, Nephi. “Cannabinoid and Cannabinoid-like Receptors in Microglia, Astrocytes and Astrocytomas.” Glia 58.9 (2010): 1017–1030. PMC. Web. 1 Nov. 2017.