Can cannabis help me with concentration?

"Could I use something to help me concentrate on my work?"

Yes, it’s helped me decrease anxiety and get through studying those long nights of med school. Kept me on focus…made learning fun. Best info I can offer.


It helped me as well


It helped me as well!!


It helped me as well! google.com


It helped me a lot!


It helped me a lo @furini das


Here’s an older response from a nurse practitioner about cannabis for focus, maybe it will be helpful to read. It will all depend on the strain and how your body reacts to it. Hope this helps!

helenanpFNP-BC, MSN
Cannabis has been known to improve concentration and focus. Many patients have successfully used cannabis to treat symptoms of ADD and ADHD. Keep in mind that this effect is strain and dose specific. Some strains will increase concentration and focus while others strains will interrupt concentration and focus. Sour Diesel is a popular strain used to focus but there are many others available. It is best to keep the dosing low, to about a few milligrams. Marijuana affects everyone differently so strain, dosage and route of administration should be discussed with your provider.


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