Can cannabis cure brain cancer?

Cannabis generally is not given for brain cancer because we have no evidence that cannabis stops cancer but Cannabis is given to treat the side effects from brain cancer or the treatment side effects. It does appear that CBD cannabis most likely does protect the brain and neurological system from damage and CBDs may slow the progression of cancer by reducing cancer’s ability to set up its own blood supply. CBD’s are not psychoactive but CBD’s do have anti-inflammatory properties as well as analgesic, anti-nausea, anti-emetic, antipsychotic, anxiolytic and anti-epileptiform effects so I highly recommend that you start with CBDs but don’t forget to add THC especially in the evening if you need additional help for sleep.
If you are experiencing pain you may want to try a 4:1 CBD dominant tincture or vaporizing pen for pain relief and help you relax but you will experience a little psychoactive effect, similar to approximately one cocktail, but I encourage you look for a cannabis that does not have the additional issue of alcohol.
These are only generalizations and guidelines but it may give you a good place to start in your quest for an effective treatment against your brain cancer.


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alison leton

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