Best products for back pain and insomnia without the high?

"I’m completely new to this so I need help in finding something that will work for me. I have chronic back pain, insomnia and anxiety. I would love something that could help me more with the back pain and the insomnia…but without the high. I don’t want to smoke it either, so I’m thinking a tincture, a cream or a vape, but i have no idea what to ask for. I used my medical card for the first time last weekend, and bought two vapes. One was 110mg of CBD and the other was 250mg of CBD. I was told to use the lower dose during the day and the higher one at night. But sadly, neither one has affected me at all. I have a very high tolerance to medicine in general. Could this be why? Energy drinks and caffeine don’t touch me either. The reason I’m coming here for help is because I’m so new to this and did not realize that this was so expensive. The next time I go in to purchase something I’d like to have a better idea of what I need."

I would use a high CBD tincture like 18:1 Care by Design plus a topical balm if needed. You can go slow with the topical balm and see how you feel after the tincture.


The high concentrate CBD oil, smoked in a vape pen, may help both the pain and insomnia, if taken nightly.
The back pain relief may be augmented (helped more) with a topical product of medical marijuana.
Dispensaries may offer samples of the topicals to experience which works best for you.


CBD alone for back pain might work but it might not. You may want to review our Educational blurb on the entourage affectBecause when you do CBD and it has a low dose of THC, you will not be high but the THC supports the effectiveness of the CBD so book doing CBD alone you will miss that extra support. The topical cannabis salve that is CBD dominant works well to block muscle spasms and pain especially in your back and it will not make you high because it does not go systemic so I would question why you wouldn’t want any THC in your salve If it makes it more effective. You do need a recommendation for the CBD with the THC.
You can also purchase a vapor pen with high CBD and very low THC ratio that will not make you high but it will help you get out of pain. If you are sensitive to the THC then keep the THC level very low. You may also try THCA, or juicing green buds.
It is nice to live life pain-free. Often the missed connection between back pain and freedom from back pain is a deficiency of vitamin D. Ideally your blood level of vitamin D3 should be above 55 ng/ML for optimal pain relief. If you are brown skinned, over 50 years old, take proton pump inhibitors or have any gastric absorption problems, You are likely vitamin D3 deficient and your doctor should measure your levels and You should consider supplementing rather than ruining your skin trying to get enough vitamin D from the sun.


Honestly what people have been saying about the entourage effect with cannabis is true. Cannabinoids in themselves heightens the effectiveness of other medicines. But to truly answer this question one has to know a bit about the sources of your pain, insomnia and anxiety, as these are dual symptoms that could come from physical accidents or mental depression. The cure will be found in targeting the cause of the discomfort. Generally with these symptoms a combination of talk therapy and medicine is most effective. I would recommend a medicinal bar that I have actually created, it will give you a light buzz but as long as you stay in the recommended dose it will not get you very high. Less than a Xanax or Wellbutrin. Remember that cannabinoids increase the effectiveness of the mind’s ability to make use of other medicine, so sometimes the best way to use cannabis compounds is to take them with a significantly lower dose of whatever else you used to take for this problem before. I can assume you were medicating the pain before you moved to cannabis? In case you don’t find my product, the active ingredients are full indica flower and ashwagandha root. it is further supplemented with Gingko Bilbao, ginseng (and others in my energy bar) or in my anxiety bar there is also Kava. These combinations I have found work the very best for pain, insomnia and anxiety. My bar is called the e420 bar and my company is Whole Soul Holistic.


Everyone’s situation and CBD preferences are different.

Since you prefer vaping, you might wish to try something stronger, Respira offers a 600mg option in a really popular grape-mint flavor: https://elixinol.com/product/cbd-vape-oil-600mg-respira-grape-mint/

If you’re still not getting the results you want after you try it, feel free to reach to Dr. Philip Blair through our website, he can work with you to make serving size recommendations specific to your situation.


If cost is an issue, might I offer a very easy recipe for an infused oil/ topical with cannabis? It should be much cheaper than purchasing one and in my experience, pt’s who make their own topicals seem to get more pain relief (perhaps love is the secret ingredient?). This recipe is very easy and all it requires is a slow cooker/ crock pot, 1 cup coconut oil (you can buy in bulk @ Costco), 15-17 grams of plant material (shake, flowers). You combine all three for 6-8 hrs at 250 degrees. Apply to the back, combine w/ use of heat pack. Don’t forget to do myofascial release daily (I teach pts to do self massage using tennis/ racquet balls against a wall to provide pressure to localized myofascial points. Don’t forget to ask health insurance if they cover basic PT sessions or provide accupuncture sessions like Kaiser and other plans. I hope this helps out!


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