Best portable vaporizer?

"There are too many portable vapes on the market, is there a vaporizer you would recommend?"

After a few years of teaching Patients the in’s and out’s of vaporizing I have my short list of recommended Portable devices. When deciding on a portable device I look at the following.
#1 Quality Materials
We look for devices that are constructed with safe materials and when possible we look for made in america, Cananda .
We see a variety of folks at Healthy Headie. Cost always seems to be the main decision factor for the majority of our customers.
You need to be sure the device you choose is vaporizing and not burning your product. Cheaper devices on the market at times can burn your material causing a mixture of smoke and vapor. Some people dont mind this but if your goal is to eliminate smoking you need to be aware of this.
We all have different levels of technical know how and our customers are at both ends of the spectrum.
#1 Magic Flight Launch Box
This device is simple in construction and with a quick tutorial is easy to use. Low price with a great warranty.
#2 Crafty
amazing vapor production and easy to use smartphone app makes this my go to for on the go.
#3 Pax 2
This is an easy to use device with a great look. With a regular cleaning (easy) this device produces great tasting vapor.
We just had a test drive with newest rendition from Firefly and we are excited to be adding it to our line. We love the look and feel of this vaporizer.
Hope this brings some clarity on the foggy vaporizer market!


That depends on whether or not you want to use it for flower or oil. What were you planning on using in the vape?


My Pick: The Grasshopper by Hopper labs found at ghvape.com

I am a founder Hopper Labs and have also owned almost every Vaporizer on the market, so keep that in mind. There are a few things to consider, and Steve responded to some of those.

I would list.

  1. Cost
  2. Quality and Where it is Made
  3. Ease of Use
  4. Warranty

Technology is always evolving, so it is always best to have a look at a trusted review site. I would recommend https://www.vaporizerwizard.com/

Now, of course, certain vapes fit certain people better than others.


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