
"I am in Florida and have chronic achiness and stiffness from Ankylosing Spondylolitis. I am visiting the Anaheim area in six months. I would like to know where to find a cbd rich and thc balanced tincture that will help me with inflammation, anxiety, depression and energy. Please tell me what I could do prior to arrival to ensure my requests are assisted as well as possible."

Hello there! I think that you are doing the wise thing in prepping for your trip to Anaheim in the near future. This is what I might suggest: get the free app Weedmaps for Android or Iphone. Once this is loaded, use the app much like you would use Yelp in perusing all the dispensaries as well as delivery services in the Anaheim area (there should be plenty); using Yelp can also be useful as well. Most reputable dispensaries and delivery services will have a website detailing all the products they carry. You should be able to find tinctures with the cannabinoid profile/ ratio that you desire. In addition, you should be able to speak to someone over the phone at most of these locations to help you in the search for the exact product you’re searching for. I hope this helps!


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