Are your oils high enough grade for seriously ill patients?

"I’m looking for a vape for my father who has stage 4 cancer. I don’t want anything that would further compromise his immune system. "

My wife who recently passed from lymphoma told me that cannabis was not helping with the pain. She was using GSC, I am sure using a more potent strain or Vape might have helped her better. Morphine seemed to be a relief but only briefly while in the hospital. I hope this helps.


Absolutely! Our oil is lab tested for purity and potency. Our test results can be found on our website www.wvapes.com We provide medicine to many cancer patients. I would also suggest giving him oil orally. I would be happy to discuss this further with you. My heart lies in patient care. Please email us at Info@wvapes.com with your information. We are here to help.


I am sorry to hear about your father. We have been fighting stage 4 brain and lung cancer for 4 years using cannabis for my brother. The vape pen has changed his world, especially its ease of use, and lack of smell for discreet use after his treatments.
Cannabis that is lab tested for pesticides, molds and other pathogens is critical for not compromising his immune system. The fact that W vape uses the CO2 extraction method is also critical vs a butane extraction. I love the fact that they are publishing their test results on their website and are giving you the terpenes profile back as well.
For more information and education I would suggest https://bit.ly/2dTbNRP for the learngteenflower health summit or https://bit.ly.2dQo4Rn for their Cannabis as medicine class that has great info on cancer. Their videos will also help your father learn more about questions to ask his oncologist about using cannabis that will help spread their knowledge. Although I am not a doctor, the studies I have followed suggest limonene (bitter citrus rind smell) and linalool (floral citrus and lavender smell) as anti-cancer terpenes.
My new oncologist just graduated from med school and replaced my retiring physician. When I asked about her views on cannabis use, she said she wasn’t taught about it in school and didn’t know or care to know if her patients were supplementing her treatment with it. I armed her with case studies that I found at http:/healer.com and told her to expect a quiz in 6 months when I go back in for follow up on MGUS.
I am so glad your father is open to using cannabis to treat his cancer. Hope this helps.


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