Are you located near Rockland County Ny?

Hi there!

PharmaCannis has multiple locations in New York but unfortunately none of them are located in Rockland County. I believe the closest location to you would be in Bronx county.

If you need assistance finding PharmaCannis’ nearest location, please visit their website and select "Locations" at the top of the page. It will bring up the addresses, hours, phone numbers and maps to each location.

PharmaCannis also has dispensaries in Illinois. If you are looking at the Illinois locations, please look for the box at the top of the page that reads "Looking for a New York dispensary?" and select the "NY Locations" box to view the correct locations.

You can also click here to get started on your search: https://www.pharmacannis.com/ny/locations

I hope this information helps! ๐Ÿ™‚


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