Are there health improvements and cost savings using W Vape pens vs a flower vaporizer like Mflb?

Do your oils have any polypropylene glycol, Glycerin (even vegetable), solvents, ? Basically is there anything in there other than the oil from the flowers?


Some of the benefits of using a pre-filled vape cartridge is the ease of use, portability, discretion, and quality/potency of the medicine. The glass and stainless steel cartridge we use to deliver our oil is a healthful alternative to some of the plastic components on the market. Our oil is created from pesticide-free, organic flower, CO2 extracted, and then put through a rigorous post-production and distillation process for incredibly pure oil. There are no additives, flavors, or fillers added, so the end result is a highly potent, full-flavor vaping experience derived from the original flower.

As a comparison, a 300mg cartridge of W Vapes would be equivalent to 1/8th of quality flower, which could run approx. $50-$60. The usual donation price from our 300mg cartridge is around $30, making it a pretty good value, and healthy alternative, to a flower vaporizer.


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