Are there any published/in progress studies looking into the effects of vaping and its effect on oral health?

"Primarily in regards to vaping concentrates vs smoking flowers leading to less or more overall dental issues. Also whether convection vaping is better for oral health than conduction. I personally feel that convection is a better solution. I have found articles and studies related to the effects of smoking (cannabis and tobacco) but nothing specifically for vaping.

I moved away from smoking flowers a little over a year ago when I noticed some dental issues emerging. I already proactively care for my teeth via oil/wheat grass pulling, high mineralized diet, drinking lots of fluids, etc. So switching to vaping felt very intuitive to me. I preferred the flavor without the ashy aftertaste as well. However I do like the idea of being able to utilize the entirety of the flowerโ€™s entourage effect via a convection technology vaporizer. I personally donโ€™t see any real difference between smoking flower and using a conduction based vaporizer.


The difference between smoking and vaping (even with a conduction vape) is pretty obvious. Smoke and try to run, then vape and try again…


A very large study of 1,000 people smoking cannabis was recently reported from New Zealand. What they found was that the only health side effect was gum disease in about 750 of the people. There was no suggestion as to exactly why this took place. One of the reasons could have been the fact that cannabis can cause a decrease in saliva production causing the irrigation of the bacteria in the gums that normally takes place to decrease. This can lead to an increase in bacteria that can cause gum disease.

Drinking plenty of fluids can perhaps prevent this from happening. I do not know of any study that specifically studied vaping as it relates to gum disease. However since there are CB1 and CB2 receptors in the saliva glands, and when you vape you are inhaling cannabinoids, I would assume that dry mouth would result from vaping as well. The solution would still be the same, i.e., plenty of fluids.

Perry Solomon, MD

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