Anxiety. CBD only – no THC.

"I am currently on Zoloft and have been for a few years. Even though I am on it I have had panic attacks. My dr increased to 75mg which only when I pms I get anxiety. I’ve suffered from panic attacks since I was a kid ( not frequent) .. I hear cbd has great benefits. I am not a fan of ssri’s and if I can be off it I’d rather….
i Know how to wean off Zoloft but I don’t have much experience with cbd dosage etc. on top of that is it something you take daily like I do Zoloft and dosage? If you start to have a panic attack is there a form of cbd you can take to help at that point ? I can’t or won’t take thc
thanks "

Fortunately there are lots of CBD-only options out in the marketplace for you. Yes, you can take cannabis while weaning off your SSRI. You could take a CBD-only capsule, or gummy etc on a regular basis to keep a maintenance level of CBD for anxiety treatment/prevention. If you have a panic attack, however, you can use a CBD vape pen, since the inhaled form will start working very quickly. Best of luck!


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