HelloMD Mindful Haven Event: Cannabis, Yoga & Sound Bathing

Mindful Haven Event

Hosted on July 30, 2017 from 3pm – 6pm in San Francisco

HelloMD is hosting MINDFUL HAVEN – an afternoon in a beautiful, consumption-friendly environment in San Francisco’s Mission District. Connect with cannabis enthusiasts and sample products from top cannabis brands in the Bay Area in a beautiful loft space. Our curated event will bring together our community for Ganja Yoga led by Dee Dussault, iRestยฎ Yoga Nidra Meditation with Jaene Leonard and an immersive Sound Bath experience with Rachel Dugas. Bring your yoga mat, a blanket and your smile!

Mindful Haven Schedule:

3:00-4:00pm Meet & Sample Top Cannabis Brands

4:00-4:50pm Ganja Yoga with Dee Dussault

4:50-5:20pm iRestยฎ Yoga Nidra with Jaene Leonard

5:20-5:45pm Sound Bathing with Rachel Dugas

We hope you will join us! Space is limited and tickets will sell out. A percentage of ticket sales will go towards a local charity.

Ganja Yoga with Dee Dussault

Dee Dussault is well known for Ganja Yoga throughout the United States

Ganja Yoga with me is about Mindfulness, or the inner mental work of yoga; Freedom, or your ability to move your body in the unique way it needs; and Alignment, so you can enjoy a safe practice for years to come. Dee has been teaching these sessions for eight years, was the first to offer this style of teaching in North America and is the author of the new book Ganja Yoga. She offers slow yoga classes, designed for any body and any level of experience with yoga or cannabis.

iRestยฎ Yoga Nidra Meditation with Jaene Leonard

Jaene Leonard teaches Nidra Meditation to veterans

Nidra in Sanskrit means ‘sleep.’ iRest is a guided body-sensing you will receive in a comfortable position — seated or lying down — designed to release stress and heal tension stored in the body. iRest is deliciously relaxing and deeply restorative, helping you to reconnect to an underlying quality of being that is always with you throughout life’s challenges and changes. Jaene became a 200-level certified yoga instructor ten years ago and a Level II iRest teacher in 2013, and has been leading iRest classes and private sessions in and out of the cannabis space ever since. She delivered iRest for three years at Harborside Health Center as part of pilot wellness program Harborside Heroes and, for the past year, with its extension, OperationEVAC — an ongoing, expanding program now in four dispensaries in the Bay Area.

Sound Bathing with Rachel Dugas

Rachel Dugas leads immersive sounds bath experiences to wide audiences

"I use sounds to soothe your soul. Sound and music are powerful healing tools because the vibrations reach us on a deeper level, releasing us from stress and clearing emotional blocks. As a sound healing practitioner, I hold the space for healing through vocal meditation, mantras, crystal singing bowls, tuning forks, and meditative music. As a cannabis educator, I empower medical cannabis patients to own their healing process, and guide their healing journey through music, dance, and plants." Rachel has studied music for over twenty years and has a certificate in Sound, Voice & Music in the Healing Arts from the California Institute of Integral Studies.


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