The Ultimate Cannabis Breakfast Smoothie

We have crafted a perfect breakfast smoothie that can be customized to your personal tastes, while helping to nourish you with cannabis goodness. Our smoothie features cannabis as the star which can help fight off inflammation, as well as soothe a variety of medical conditions. The addition of hemp adds protein and fats to keep you nourished with all of the macronutrients you’ll need to give you that daily boost. Depending on what your body needs each morning, you can also add different kinds of leafy greens and fresh or frozen fruits. To me, the flavors never get boring!

The Wonder of Hemp Seeds

Hemp has been deemed a bonafide superfood in the past few years as people have embraced its amazing qualities. Hemp is almost identical to cannabis, though it has a far lower quantity of cannabinoids, specifically the psychoactive one, THC. Hemp has been used just as long as cannabis to make products like rope and cloth, while more cannabinoid heavy strains were used as medical cannabis. Hemp and cannabis can be paired to create the ultimate breakfast smoothie that will help you power through your day filled with protein, fatty acids, antioxidants, and medication.

Luckily, hemp seeds are sold right next to flax and chia seeds in health food stores. The seeds contain all 9 essential amino acids, including high levels of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are both essential to body functioning and contain lots of good fats. Hemp seeds are also packed full of protein, in just 3 tablespoons of hemp seeds there are 11 grams of protein and only 174 calories. They are also filled with trace minerals and dietary fiber to help keep you nourished and regular all day.

Different Ways to Add Cannabis

You can make our breakfast smoothie with different strains and forms of cannabis depending on what your desired effect is. Our smoothie can be made with your favorite tincture, ground cannabis, or fresh cannabis juice. Tinctures can be easily measured and blended into smoothies to help you get your daily dose of medication, or you can also grind a small amount of cannabis to blend into your smoothie, allowing you to choose your strain each morning depending on what effect you need.


Raw cannabis is also a great option to provide increased anti-inflammatory properties without any psychoactive effect. Fresh cannabis can be juiced each morning if you have access to a fresh supply of cannabis plants or you can buy frozen raw cannabis juice from a variety of specialty cannabis dispensaries, such as Herba Buena.

Here is the basic recipe for our ultimate breakfast smoothie, which you can customize based on what you enjoy!


  • 1/2 cup liquid of choice (coconut water for electrolytes, kefir for probiotics, hemp milk or milk of choice for creaminess)
  • 1 tbsp hemp seeds
  • 1 tsp flax or chia seeds
  • 1/2 cup leafy greens (spinach and kale are great choices)
  • 1/2 cup fruit of your choice (berries for antioxidants, bananas for potassium & fiber, citrus for vitamin C, pineapple or mango for sweetness, coconut for amino acids)
  • Your choice of cannabis (tincture, raw, cannabis oil, etc.) and according dosage
  • Other possible additions: collagen peptides, probiotic powder, protein powder are all great extra additions based on your preferences and goals!

How To Method:

You can simply place all the ingredients in a blender and blend, but I find that blending leafy greens with the liquid before adding the rest of the ingredients can assure a smoothie without small pieces of greens in it. Also, I love using frozen bananas (or avocados) in my smoothie because it creates a creamy and thick smoothie that reminds me of a healthy milkshake!

If you mix ingredients like berries and greens, you might have a slightly odd colored smoothie, so if you want a bright green smoothie stick to yellow and pale colored fruits to compliment the leafy greens. This makes about 16 oz.

If you are new to cannabis and want to learn more, take a look at our Cannabis 101 post. HelloMD can help you get your medical marijuana recommendation; it’s 100% online, private and efficient.



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